BDS Walk around Aldford and Churton 20.5.2007

A walk organised for the British Dragonfly Society along the Dee at Aldford and to marlpits in Churton attracted twenty walkers on a day that was bright but not so warm and sunny that the Odonata were too active to approach. A total of ten species were recorded and photographed, including all the less common species that had been billed for the day, much to my relief as organiser.

We saw Club-tailed Dragonfly, Four-spotted Chaser, Hairy Dragonfly, Banded Demoiselle, Large Red Damselfly, Common Blue Damselfly, Red-eyed Damselfly, Blue-tailed Damselfly, Azure Damselfly and Variable Damselfly.

The images below were taken by various people who joined the walk and give a flavour of the day and what we saw. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make it a memorable day and particularly to the photographers who have contributed to this page.

The Dee at Aldford is slow flowing and muddy bottomed with generally steep banks with plenty of bare areas at the base. This is ideal habitat for the Club-tailed Dragonfly and this section of the dee is the northernmost location for the species in Britain.

River Dee at Aldford. Photo © David Kitching 2007

Female Gomphus vulgatissimus at Aldford. Photo © Ray Scally 2007

The marlpits around Churton are particularly rich in Odonata and we saw several male Hairy Dragonfly hawking around the rushes and horsetails whilst several females were observed ovipositing. The Variable Damselfly were numerous but outnumbered about 10 to 1 by the Azure Damselfly.

Participants by a marlpit at Churton. Photo © David Kitching 2007

Images by Christine Maughan

Female Gomphus vulgatissimus at Aldford. Photo © Christine Maughan 2007

Female Gomphus vulgatissimus at Aldford. Photo © Christine Maughan 2007

Male Brachytron pratense at Churton. Photo © Christine Maughan 2007

Libellula quadrimaculata at Churton. Photo © Christine Maughan 2007

Male Calopteryx splendens at Aldford. Photo © Christine Maughan 2007

ale Calopteryx splendens at Aldford. Photo © Christine Maughan 2007

Pyrrhosoma nymphula at Churton. Photo © Christine Maughan 2007

Image by Mike Robinson

Female Brachytron pratense at Churton. Photo © Mike Robinson 2007

Images by Ray Scally

Male Calopteryx splendens at Aldford. Photo © Ray Scally 2007

Female Calopteryx splendens at Aldford. Photo © Ray Scally 2007

Male Coenagrion pulchellum at Churton. Photo © Ray Scally 2007

Images by David Kitching

Male Gomphus vulgatissimus at Aldford. Photo © David Kitching 2007

Male Brachytron pratense at Churton. Photo © David Kitching 2007

Male Coenagrion pulchellum at Churton. Photo © David Kitching 2007

Male Calopteryx splendens at Aldford. Photo © David Kitching 2007

If you have made any Odonata observations in Cheshire and would like to share them with others or wish to take part in the recording scheme please email me.

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© David Kitching 2007

Last updated 24.5.2007