Whilst browsing through "Traffic and Transport - An Economic History of
Pickfords" I found a reference to steam boats on the Macclesfield Canal
in the early 19th century. This was too good to miss and subsequent research has
so far elicited the following information. It paints a fascinating picture of
pioneering attempts to introduce new technology and the problems which were faced.
It is hardly surprising that in the end the technology was a failure in the form
it was tried at the time.

From the Macclesfield Courier and Herald
24th September 1836
"On Thursday last, a novel spectacle was presented on the Macclesfield
Canal by the appearance of a Steam Boat, having in tow a heavily laden boat,
on its passage from Manchester to London. We learn this was an experimental
trip, undertaken by the spirited firm of Pickford and Co. The steam boat was
constructed by Mr Chell, of Manchester, and is about fifty feet long.
The pace it attained was by no means rapid, only about a mile and half
an hour, - but his objection Mr Chell is of opinion can be easily obviated
by an increase in power, and other improvements which this experimental trip
has enabled him to discover; and he is confident that he shall ultimately
succeed in attaining a speed which will supersede the use of horses.
The great objection to the use of paddles on canals, from the supposed
injury they would occasion to the banks, is done away with, as it is found
that scarcely any swell or ripple is produced; at least none was perceptible
in this instance; how that may be, at a higher rate of speed, experience
must determine; but as we have observed, the projector is sanguine of
ultimately bringing his scheme to a successful issue."
From the Macclesfield Canal Company, committee minutes
6th October 1836
"He (Mr Hall) also reported that Mr Chell's Steam boat had passed along the Canal towing one of Pickford's Boats, that it went very slowly, but there was no ripple or appearance of damage to the banks."

Another steam boat appeared during August 1838.
From the Macclesfield Courier and Herald
18th August 1838
"STEAMING ON CANALS - On Thursday morning last, a steam-boat, for the
first time, made its appearance at Macclesfield. It is the boat which has
been described in the Manchester papers as having been started by Messrs.
Robins and Co. It had been expected here some weeks ago; but had met with an
accident from a rope in the canal catching the paddles. Such an accident has
since been guarded against.
The engine is of four horse power, and occupies the part usually forming the
cabin. A platform covers the paddles so that they cannot be seen, but we
understand, there is only a single wheel. The boat was very heavily laden
containing 16 or 17 tons of goods; and the consequence was that it moved but
slowly through the water, not exceeding, by the engineer's account, five
miles an hour; and while we saw it scarce reached four.
The swell ahead was considerable, and the washing or depression of the water
about the middle of the boat might be about a foot. The wave behind was
larger and more violent than in ordinary boats, but not considerably so. We
should not suppose that such boats would occasion injury to the banks;
indeed, on comparing the appearances with those of other boats the
difference seemed to be very trifling.
The loss of power from the mode of applying the machinery must be very
considerable, as we saw a single horse draw a boat as heavily laden with
equal velocity. It is obvious that the attempt is as yet imperfect; but the
Messrs Robins deserve credit for being the first to make it; and there is
every reason to believe that it will at length be attended with more
brilliant success."
