Shropshire Limekilns

Kilns at Pant from the side of the Llanymynech branch of the Ellesmere Canal


Limestone quarrying south of Oswestry in the area around Llanymynech and Llynclys on the border with Powys was one of the driving forces behind the development of canals, and later railways in north-west Shropshire. Limekilns were soon established both at the quarries and also at numerous wharves along the Ellesmere Canal.

Today there are still plenty of remains to be seen if you are prepared to search amidst the trees and bushes at remote and long abandoned wharves and quarries. Many are on private land and permission should be sought from the owners before attempting to view the remains.

Further quarrying and kilns developed on the limestone at Wenlock Edge and Lilleshall from where stone was also supplied to industry around the Severn Gorge and across to the Wellington area. Numerous small limekilns once operated in these areas supplying agricultural lime to the local community

If you have any comments please let me know.

Craignant Kilns 1  
Hampton Bank Lilleshall Deep Kiln
Lilleshall Triple Kilns Lincoln Hill, Ironbridge
  Llanymynech Hill Kiln 1
Llanymynech Hill Kiln 2 Llanymynech Hill Kiln 3
Llanymynech Hoffmann Kiln Llanymynech Wharf Kiln 1
Llynclys Nantmawr
Pant Quina Brook bank 1
Quina Brook bank 2 Weston Wharf

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© David Kitching 2024
Page last updated 1.6.2024