September - November Sightings and News

Total species recorded during the 2016 season is 25

Common Club-tail (Gomphus vulgatissimus)
Hairy Dragonfly (Brachytron pratense)
Common Hawker (Aeshna juncea)
Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea)
Brown Hawker (Aeshna grandis)
Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta)
Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator)
Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata)
Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa)
Downy Emerald (Cordulia aenea)
Black-tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum)
Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum)
Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum)
Black Darter (Sympetrum danae)

Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo)
Banded Demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens)
Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
Emerald Damselfly (Lestes sponsa)
White-legged Damselfly (Platycnemis pennipes)
Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma najas)
Small Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma viridulum)
Blue-tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans)
Azure Damselfly (Coenagrion puella)
Variable Damselfly (Coenagrion pulchellum)

Female Common Darter at Haydn's Pool 6.11.16. Photo © Cactus Chris

A late record for a female Common Darter at Haydn's Pool (67S SJ660753) comes from 'Cactus Chris' on the 'Marbury Patch' Twitter site and was passed on by Pete Leicester.

Male Common Darter at Anderton 13.10.16. Photo © Pete Leicester

Pete Leicester informs me that there were male Migrant Hawker and Common Darter at Anderton Nature Park (67M SJ651751) and Neumann's Flash (67S SJ664754).

Migrant Hawkers in cop at Newchurch Common 9.10.16. Photo © Paul Brewster

At Woolston Eyes (68P SJ649882) Brian Baird recorded Brown Hawker and Migrant Hawker whilst Paul Brewster also found the latter species along with Common Darter at Newchurch Common (66E SJ605688)

Abbots Moss (56Z SJ594689) yielded just a couple of Black Darter when Paul Brewster visited

Pete Leicester was fishing on the Dane at Cotton Farm, Holmes Chapel (76N SJ743677) and saw a male Banded Demoiselle. This is easily the latest record ever received for this species in Cheshire. Dennis Swaby was back at Sandbach Flashes (75J SJ728595) and this time saw four Migrant Hawker.

Male Migrant Hawker at Sandbach Flashes 6.10.16. Photo © Dennis Swaby

At Sandbach Flashes (75J SJ728595) Dennis Swaby saw a couple of male Migrant Hawker and a single Southern Hawker. Over at Neumann's Flash (67S SJ664754) Pete Leicester saw several Common Darter and single Migrant Hawker and Southern Hawker.

Male Migrant Hawker flying at Sandbach Flashes. Photo © Dennis Swaby

As the sunny days continued Steve Hind saw a male Southern Hawker in the hills at Bakestonedale (97P SJ950790).

October records began with Paul Brewster seeing Common Darter at Newchurch Common (66E SJ605688) and Shemmy Moss (56Z SJ598688). He also found a male Black Darter at Abbots Moss (56Z SJ594689). Steve Hind also saw a male Common Darter on the Shropshire Union Canal at Audlem (64M SJ653455).

A single Common Darter was flying at Middlewood (98M SJ947847) this morning.

A Southern Hawker was active around gardens at Higher Poynton (98L SJ944838) today.

Brian Baird went to Rixton Claypits (69V SJ687903) where he saw 15 Common Darter with Black Darter, Brown Hawker and Migrant Hawker. Meanwhile at Leftwich (67Q SJ665710) Alan Redley found an ovipositing Southern Hawker. At Higher Poynton (98L SJ944838) a single Brown Hawker was flying.

Female Southern Hawker ovipositing at Leftwich 21.9.16. Photo © Alan Redley

From Newchurch Common (66E SJ605688) Paul Brewster reports Brown Hawker and Migrant Hawker, and from Abbots Moss (56Z SJ594689) there were Common Darter and Black Darter. Steve Hind saw a single Common Darter in a field at Acton (65G SJ630527).

A pair of Black Darter at Danes Moss 17.9.16. Photo © Richard Gabb

Richard Gabb reports plenty of Black Darter at Danes Moss (97A SJ905704) today.

Male Common Hawker at Risley Moss 11.9.16. Photo © Eric Finch & David Edwards

Eric Finch and David Edwards visited Risley Moss (69Q SJ666918) and found Common Hawker. Moving on to Silver Lane Pools (69S SJ668940) they saw a Brown Hawker. Over at Moss Lane, Ollerton (77X SJ788754) Barry Shaw recorded Migrant Hawker and Common Darter. Meanwhile over at Woolston Eyes () Brian Baird saw Brown Hawker, Migrant Hawker and Common Darter. There was also a Common Darter flying on the Middlewood Way (98M SJ945846).

Male Migrant Hawker at Woolston Eyes 11.9.16. Photo © Brian Baird

A female Brown Hawker was busy feeding along the Bollin at Macclesfield Riverside Park (97C SJ904756) this morning.

Male Common Darter at Woolston Eyes 11.9.16. Photo © Brian Baird

Paul Brewster went to Newchurch Common (66E SJ605688) where a found a male Migrant Hawker, a late Red-eyed Damselfly, and ten Common Darter.

Female Migrant Hawker Photo © David Kitching

Michael Whiteside reports a female Migrant Hawker in a moth trap at Burwardsley (55D SJ518567).

© David Kitching 2017

Last updated 4.2.2017